Jun 14, 2023 | client stories, Coaching, goals, gratitude, money, tools and models
What do you think when you hear the word ‘manifest’? There is a misconception that manifesting means simply visualising something you want and then waiting for it to come to you. (Spoiler alert: that won’t work.) My son puts it nicely: “say what you want as though you...
Mar 1, 2023 | body positivity, book recommendations, Coaching, exercise, goals, health, identity, mindfulness, my journey
What are you reading at the moment? I got Atomic Habits by James Clear as a Christmas present and loved it. My key takeaway was how important it is to understand our purpose and desired identity before anything else. The goals and how we reach them come second. Life...
Oct 4, 2022 | body positivity, client stories, Coaching, exercise, health, my journey, wellbeing
On one of my recent sunrise walks, the sky was perfectly clear and the sea perfectly flat and inviting. I kicked myself for not having thought to bring swimming stuff with me. Before I could lose my nerve, I got in touch with a friend who I hadn’t seen in a while,...