Careful, it’s slippy!

If you’re anything like I was, most of your friends are drinkers and most of your socialising involves alcohol. Even when you’re doing something healthy like a run or a spa day, alcohol usually shows up in the end. Trying to stop drinking and still be around all that...

It’s all in your head

Mindset is everything. As Henry Ford would say, whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right. So if you tell yourself that drinking is brilliant, it’s hard to give it up, and it’s boring, then your brain will collect evidence that those things are...

Why I don’t think “One Day at a Time” works

In the “recovery community” you’ll hear the phrase “one day at a time” a lot. And sure, when you’re working towards a big, towering goal that stretches you way outside of your comfort zone, one step or one day at a time makes it feel a whole lot more manageable and...

What will my friends think?

In our culture which normalises alcohol at every occasion: weddings, funerals, the end of a bad day, celebrating a great day, even baby showers, it is a truly courageous and rebellious act to say no and choose not to drink. You worry that you’ll be ostracised by your...

Dry July?

You’ve probably taken steps to try to control your drinking in the past: a week off here, a Dry January there, no mid-week drinking, maximum 3 drinks on a night out, no shots… I know I did plenty of those challenges over the years. And challenges they were. I felt...