Sep 20, 2023 | family, home education, imposter syndrome, Mums, my journey, parenting, play
“I’m not doing enough.” This is the main worry I hear from other home educators. It takes time to adjust your expectations of home education and realise you don’t need to fit in with any school curriculum any more. There’s no need to compare what you’re doing to what...
Aug 9, 2023 | Coaching, family, goals, home education, Mums, parenting
Is your child struggling through mainstream school? Is worrying about their wellbeing and education affecting you? I help stressed out, overwhelmed parents like you explore whether home education would suit your family so that you can all be happier and more settled....
Jul 5, 2023 | book recommendations, family, Mums, my journey, parenting
How good are you at recognising that something isn’t working and moving on from it? Recently I was reading with my son. He loves maths, but reading is a chore for him. Begrudgingly, he read to me (mostly in a silly voice) and made it clear he was finding the book...